Contact Details

Phone:              9559 0000
Fax:   9559 0090
Address:   20-26 Canterbury Rd, Hurlstone Park NSW 2193
Mailing Address:   Private Mail Bag No. 4, Canterbury NSW 2193
 Trading Hours:    7 days | 9am-6am


Got an enquiry?

Simply enter your details into the fields below and we will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible...
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Email *
Contact Telephone *
Enquiry and/or Feedback *
How would you like us to contact you? *


CHPRSL welcomes all media enquiries to its email

All media enquiries are managed by the Clubs Chief Operating Officer, Lloyd Pollard. 

The Club is committed to transparent, open and honest communications with patrons, members of the community and members of the media. 

Should you wish to film on premises, please download and complete the Permission to Film on Club Premises form and return it to us at the above email address.

Where deadlines allow, and to ensure we can set aside an area for filming, we appreciate receiving two weeks notice of a request to film and ideally no less than three working days. 

Please note: Chief Executive Officer, Dean Thomas, is the Club's sole authorised media spokesperson.