2 September 2024



ABN 56 000 967 199




Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club Ltd (Club), trading as the Communal Group, gives notice under rule 52(a)(ii) of the Club's Constitution, section 30(1)(b1) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 (NSW) and clause 31(3) of the Registered Clubs Regulation 2015 (NSW) that it has appointed member Darren Pressley as a Director of the Club for the period commencing 1 September 2024 and ending 31 August 2027. 

The following is provided for the purposes of clause 31(3) of the Registered Clubs Regulation 2015 (NSW):

  1. Reasons for the appointment:The Board has recently developed an ambitious Strategic Plan encompassing the Communal Group for the period 2024 to 2027 which is designed to position the group for future growth opportunities and long-term sustainability. This Strategic Plan will add to the workload of the Board and require new and specific focusses.The Board believes Mr Darren Pressley has skills and expertise that will greatly assist the Board in overseeing the implementation of the Strategic Plan and other general duties and responsibilities of the Board.


  2. Darren Pressley’s relevant skills and qualification:
    1. Over three decades of experience in the beverage industry including in senior management positions;
    2. Recent experience in the gaming industry in a senior management position;
    3. Excellent club and hospitality industry knowledge and practical experience with key stakeholders;
    4. A commitment to and passion to see the NSW Club Industry prosper; and
    5. The ability to represent the Club to industry and other key stakeholders as required.


  3. Any payments to be made to Darren Pressley in connection with his appointment:As a Director of the Club, Darren Pressley will be paid an honorarium of $22,000 per annum (plus superannuation as required by law) paid on a monthly basis (and pro-rated on a daily basis as necessary) in accordance with the Sixth Ordinary Resolution passed by members in the Club's Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 5 November 2023. Darren will be paid in accordance with the honorarium approved by members on and from each AGM held by the Club during his appointment. Darren will also be eligible to any other benefits of Directors, as approved by members at each AGM, in accordance with any Ordinary Resolutions so passed.